House of Menuha Open Houses

The House of Menuha, located at 807 E 77th St, is hosting two open houses this month. The first Open House was September 11 and featured a "wine and cheese" affair where attendees saw the newly remodeled house and gathering space, heard about upcoming programs and activities, and learned about the future of the organization.

The second Open House is Thursday, September 16, from 6 to 8 p.m. At this event, there will be a Silpada jewelry (the highest quality sterling silver jewelry) show where people can visit the newly-remodeled space, and try on and shop for beautiful jewelry. For every $100 spent on jewelry, House of Menuha will receive $30 as a donation in your name - what a great way to treat yourself and support the House of Menuha at the same time. All proceeds will go to support ongoing programming and general operating costs.

Contact to RSVP.