Marlborough - Green Stations Demonstration Area

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The Middle Blue River Basin Green Solutions Pilot Project is a100-acrea area that includes current construction of cascading rain gardens, bioswales, porous pavement sidewalks, and private side demonstration projects. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed the installation of eight demonstration rain gardens at private residences in a portion of the Marlborough area (73rd Street to 77th Terrace and Holmes Road to Paseo Boulevard.)

The Agency is also installing 20 rain barrels and disconnecting an equal number of roof drains that are connected to the sewer system in the same area. These demonstration projects on private property complement the work the city is doing to install rain gardens, permeable pavement and other green solutions in the public right-of-way.

The EPA has provided more than $1 million to assist in Kansas City's green solutions effort through its National Risk Management Research Laboratory and the EPA Region 7 office. Partners on this project include Mid-America Regional Council; City of Kansas City, Mo.; University of Missouri-Kansas City; University of Alabama; Tetra Tech EMI; Shockey Consultants; Marlborough Coalition, and student volunteers. Visit for more detail.